Seven animated presentation techniques in PowerPoint to win any presentation competition

Surf the gallery to have a short inside about each technique

Human resources management processes: recruitment, selection, training, evaluation and remuneration
Human resources management processes: recruitment, selection, training, evaluation and remuneration
The 5 decisions in a supply chain: Production, Facilities, Inventories, Transportation, Information
The 5 decisions in a supply chain: Production, Facilities, Inventories, Transportation, Information
Different warehouse activities: Receiving, Storage, Picking, Packing and Shipping
Different warehouse activities: Receiving, Storage, Picking, Packing and Shipping

Technique no. 1 - The long and unexpected pullout

Technique no. 2 - The S shape revealing

Technique no. 3 - The handwriting style

Model SCOR processes: Plan, Source, Make, Deliver, Return
Model SCOR processes: Plan, Source, Make, Deliver, Return

Technique no. 4 - The flipping cards

Establish a customers service policy in 6 steps starting with identifying the main elements of the s
Establish a customers service policy in 6 steps starting with identifying the main elements of the s

Technique no. 5 - Pin and click

The main transportation modes: Road, Rail, Sea, Air, Pipes
The main transportation modes: Road, Rail, Sea, Air, Pipes

Technique no. 6 - The false dimensions

Watch the whole action here on my YouTube Channel

Market characteristics of the goods like replenishment's rate or economical perishability
Market characteristics of the goods like replenishment's rate or economical perishability

Technique no 7 – The magical box reveal

Transportation modes as text in objects that have different background color
Transportation modes as text in objects that have different background color

Bonus technique - Changing the background color of the objects and the font color

Why do we need these professional PowerPoint techniques?

       First of all, and the most obvious answer is that we need to attract the attention of the audience and then maintain it. Your content might be the greatest, but if the presentation is poor, than all that hard work will value almost nothing.

       Secondly, because today there are a lot of temptations for your audience, for your spectators and the most important one is related to the mobile phone. If you tend to present some boring stuff, even for a little time, then most probably they will jump immediately on their phones, and you've lost their attention. So, you have to be on top of your own game to beat the smartphone that is by definition a "guy" that has the power to steal the audience.

      And third, because now, the competition is very strong and almost everybody has improved their own presentations, either by learning new things or just by using content created by the AI.

      So, in this context, I've developed these techniques, based on a lot of practical observations, research and learning by myself. I could not notice that there are still people presenting with pointers or sticks. This is happening because their presentations lack in features that are meant to draw the attention on specific aspects within the presentation. They feel the need to point at something on the screen because the slide is not equipped with these type of "gears".

Presentation techniques in PowerPoint replacing the classical stick
Presentation techniques in PowerPoint replacing the classical stick

No need of presentation stick if the 7 techniques are used

       Technique no. 1 - The long and unexpected pullout

       The objective of this technique is to have the spectators wondering what's being hidden behind each object and once the curiosity is satisfied by revealing the first information, they will still be connected with the presenter, thinking how it's possible to have a content way longer than the object. They will wonder, how did he do it?, and in this way the presenter will prevent the spectators thinking on using their phones or having other distractions while he brings further details about the information.

      After he will finish presenting the first information, the background color of the object containing the information will turn darker, and by this way the attention will change from this, to the next information that is revealed, by pulling the text from behind the next object. This text will be easily readable, while everything that has been presented will be a little bit more difficult to be read, to make sure, that the spectators are always connected with the current content. With this presentation technique, practically the audience will never have the time to get bored. So, nice trick from the presenter.

       From the content perspective, this technique is highlighted using the most important Human Resources Management Processes: Recruiting, Selection, Training, Evaluation and Remuneration.

        Technique no. 2 - The S shape reveling

       The content will be introduced one by one, with a different background color using the S format. A little mystery will be created by revealing the new content from the even rows, in an unreadable format for a few seconds and after that, the audience will be able to read it, making sure in this way that the focus is always on the part of the content that the presenter wants. 

        At any moment, additional details can be presented, by creating links with other slides and accessing them with a single click, and once the information has been presented, the presenter will turn back to the S shape, continuing revealing other information. With this dynamic presentations, it's difficult to think that someone will try to take a nap. 

     For this technique, are highlighted some of the most important decisions that are taken in the Supply Chain Management: Establishing the production type and quantity, establishing the facilities location, establish the inventory management models, establish the transportation modes and the information that is going to be shared among the partners.

        Technique no. 3 - The handwriting style

      The content will be introduced like would be written by hand, just that instead of a hand, a pen will make all the moves to write the text, live, in front of the audience. Of course, this will be amazed by this feature in PowerPoint, again asking it self what tricks the presenter has used in order to make it work. The information will be presented with different colors, that will be similar with the pen color.

      In the case of this technique, the information in the example is about the main activities belonging to the warehouse process: Receiving, storing, picking, packing and shipping.